
  • How to fit a lift the dot fastener

    If you have read the different types of lift the dot fasteners in part 1 you will be aware of their many functions and sizes. 

    Here I am going to describe how the socket and plate are fitted to a section of canvas. 


    How to fit lift the dot fastenerI am just using a few pieces of canvas cuttings for these fitting guides. Makes it easier to see each process.  


    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolSo here we have the lift the dot socket and plate. Also our lift the dot hole punch which will come in very handy.
    The first thing to point out is the positioning of the socket. As you can only unlock these fasteners by lifting the dot. So you want to have it sitting with the dot along the edge of the material. (I am using a small section of canvas so it wont matter)

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolUsually the studs will already be in place so you should pull the canvas over your stud and mark where you feel the stud should come through your canvas. This will be where you place the hole part of the cutter, but make sure you have the cutter the correct way around as the 4 prongs are not evenly spread. They have 2 closer to the DOT and the other 2 are further apart. 

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolNow place a soft piece of wood under the canvas and strike the tool with a hammer. You may have to hit several times under you get this four slits and a nice cut hole in your canvas.
    So in this instance the fasteners dot part will be at the bottom (I spun the tool 90 degrees from the picture above) 

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolNow you can insert the socket through the holes made by the hole punch and then place the washer over these four prongs

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolUsing the tool or the claw of the hammer you can now start to bend the four prongs down against the washer. Press them as far as they will go making it a nice tight fit. 

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolIt should now look like this. All four prongs press down against the washer 

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolThe lift the dot socket is now ready to be fixed to any of the lift the dot studs.

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners with lift the dot toolIf you are wanting to attach canvas to canvas by using lift the dot fasteners then you need to also purchase the clinch stud and washer.

    I will explain the fitting techique without the use off fancy tools.

    Simply press the fastener down against the canvas

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners canvas to canvasYou should have created to indents in your canvas and with a leather knife of sharp blade just cut open these two indents 2mm - 4mm wide.

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners canvas to canvasInsert the two prongs through the canvas and into the backing plate as shown  

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners canvas to canvasThen press the two prongs down against the plate so they are as flat as you can manage

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners canvas to canvasThe two fasteners are now ready to be fixed to one another. 

    Just remember the socket and plate can only be unlocked from one side where as the clinch stud can be fixed anyway round. 

    How to fit lift the dot fasteners canvas to canvasSo there you have it. All the studs are usually fitted be drilling a pilot hole and screwing them in. 





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